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Weightlifting supplements

Weightlifting supplements

Feb 2nd 2023

Samson Distributors, like all weightlifting supplements, are what you make them. What that means is that if you take Samson Distributors and sit on your couch afterward, without changing your diet or anything else, they aren’t going to do much for you. If, on the other hand, you start eating right (and at the right times), work out in the gym harder, and get on a better sleeper schedule – it will have a symbiotic impact that’s sure to give you results better than you ever thought possible. Here’s a guide on what to avoid when you are on a Samson Distributors cycle.


Increase your lean protein intake. Steroids work by increasing the levels of serum testosterone in your blood. This synthesis can increase new muscle tissue. In order to do this, your body must have the proper protein nutrients available for breakdown and digestion.

Eat more lean meat, chicken, fish, eggs, and dairy. Like humans, animal tissue is composed of protein. Your body digests protein to break it down into amino acids, which are then used to help build muscle. Your body consumes this protein and breaks it down into the component amino acids. The increase in serum testosterone provided by steroids enhances your body’s ability to transform the amino acids into human muscle tissue.


Eat healthy fats and cholesterol! Over the years, dietary fat and cholesterol have gotten a terrible reputation in the public. But the medical community, for the most part, understands that the story is far from being as simple as “cholesterol = heart disease.”

A much better and more accurate indicator of potential future heart disease is triglyceride and HDL. Specifically, having high triglyceride levels and low HDL cholesterol levels is a bad thing. You want to have the opposite (i.e. low triglycerides and high HDL cholesterol). Dietary fats assist your body’s normal functioning and shouldn’t be thought of as bad. In fact, cholesterol is a precursor to testosterone production in the body. The fat and cholesterol found in egg yolks, for example, is perfectly good for you.

Fish is also a great source of both protein and healthy fats and cholesterol. If you don’t eat fish, you can substitute in something like avocados as an alternative, natural source of omega fatty acids in your diet. Either way, you should probably consider taking an omega fatty acid supplement like natural fish or krill oil. Also, note that red meat may be superior to lean poultry for purposes of leanmuscle hypertrophy and regeneration, because while your body can create glycogen without dietary carbohydrates through a process called “gluconeogenesis,” you cannot survive nearly as long without the consumption of dietary fats.


Restrict your carbohydrate consumption to complex, fiber-rich carbs such as vegetables and whole grains. Eat whole oats, bran, cucumbers, cauliflower, and similar choices. These offer some essential fiber, while also satiating you sooner, preventing overeating, which could result in fat gains rather than lean body mass increases.

Avoid simpler sugars while you are on your physician-prescribed steroid cycle. Eating a lot of simple carbs due to poor dietary intake can lead to insulin spikes and raised triglycerides levels which can result in the production of estrogenic hormones within the body. This obviously is a bad thing if you’re trying to gain muscle, lose fat, or maintain a healthy lifestyle.


You should be aware of the effect of Samson Distributors use on your liver. Steroids, even when done properly, need to be digested and therefore represent an additional strain on your liver. You should avoid consuming lots of alcohol or other food/drink items that are known to be hard on your liver. To offer added liver protection, take Milk Thistle as a way to keep your liver strong, healthy, and working properly.

At Samson Distributors, we offer a range of anabolics so that you can reach the top of your game. Come check them out today.